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May 2011

Small Futuristic Modular Internal Design













Given that the house price is increasing very fast, you will be lucky to be able to get a small apartment. A 3 bedroom or 2 bedroom apartment in the Kuala Lumpur area can reach up to RM100,000. And the size of the average apartment is about 500to 700 sq/ft. So you’ll need to maximize the living space.

In fact, I found two video on youtube which shows brilliant idea on maximizing the living space. It is called modular home furniture where you can hide your furniture into the wall seamlessly or use the same thing for other purpose.

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Memories: Anime Source

Ahh, what a melancholy day. Well, I’m sure this would be a good time to reminiscence old memories. The day the first time I’ve encountered this thing called anime. If I’m not mistaken, the first anime I’ve watched is DNA2 which is introduced by a friend. He gave me a CD which contain these videos in forgotten format. Is it tivo/vivo? Can’t remember.That was 13 years ago in 1998.

Back then in 90s, the only source of anime are imported CD from Japan, US and HK. During that time, we didn’t know about fansubs. In addition, being on dial up doesn’t allow me to explore the net during that time and look for anime. Imagine downloading 400MB will takes days!!.

And then I was accepted into university. From there I begin to download anime from direct download site and IRC. I downloaded this:

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