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All the things that I heard, saw and thought about. Basically just my life shout out.

quiet country cafe

This is my first post, don’t comment on my English.
I really interested to post about this anime, called “quiet country cafe”
or in japanese “yokohama kaidashi kikou”. Not very popular anime, but the
story line is quite good, well at least for me.

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Last post for today. I found this while surfing on the net. Really make my stomach hurt. And it take really long to load on my so called TMNET Hotspot broadband. Suppose to give 384kbps but i think a 36k dial up perform much better.… Read More »Cosplay??!!

I’m Starving


Man, the cats and the dogs are falling out from the sky. I don’t why there are saying, “It’s raining cats and dogs”. The only thing that can cause that is tornado though it impossible for Malaysia to have one. I want to go out and eat.

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The Site is Good to go at last


Setting up a site is no an easy task. I have to make sure everything is working properly and to make do which is head and which is tail. Each time something is corrected, something else will broken.

Not just that, with a frustration of uploading and watching the screen wanting to throw the monitor out as the ftp client keep reconnecting due to dc. Man, broadband in Malaysia really sucks. I’m thinking of getting celcom but celcom is also managed by the provider of the sucks broadband. Same old shit.

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New Start

I have a blog at blogspot which haven’t been updated for a long time. Since I have a lot of time now, I’m thinking of building a new blog instead of continuing the old one. So here we are at the wordpress. From what I… Read More »New Start